Tag: ajax

  • Jquery : Benefits, Examples and Free Ebook

    What is jQuery? Directly taken from the website of jQuery -” jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages”.It is basically a JavaScript framework for writing huge task of JavaScript with few lines of code. What are…

  • Solving European characters (Western charset) problem with Ajax and PHP

    Today, I would like to tell you how to handle character set problem which occurs during the data fetched from PHP using Ajax mainly on the western characters(European charset).Lots of people asked me about this problem where these European charset is displayed in unreadable format after fetching it from ajax. Problem with European Charset with…

  • 6 free ajax chat applications using PHP

    While talking about chat application, these days people hate those kind application made in PHP which need page refreshing. In this post, I’ll show you six different free Ajax chat applications which might be very useful if you’ve to use Ajax based chat application. Depending upon the requirement of your chat application, you can use…

  • jquery-benefits-examples-free-ebook

    What is jQuery? Directly taken from the website of jQuery -” jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages”.It is basically a JavaScript framework for writing huge task of JavaScript with few lines of code. What are…