Author: naveenos

  • Custom Error Page with .htaccess

    In my last post of Hiding .php file extension with .htaccess Michael has mentioned that you can create your own custom page for the the 404(not found) error in server. And alex wanted to know that tip as well.Alex here is the post for you rather than replying your comment. When you mistype the URL…

  • Prevent Directory Listing using .htaccess

    What is directory listing ? As we know, most of the website contains “images” folder inside the root folder. If we type “” in the browser and it shows the listing of the files in the browser like the picture below which means that directory listing is allowed on that web server. It’s better not…

  • Hide .php extension with url rewriting using .htaccess

    Last time I’ve written an article about hiding php file extension where I’ve showed you how you can use .html or .asp extension of file instead of .php extension. But there was one flaw in that technique you have had to change the file extension explicitly but in this post I’m going to show you…

  • How to make rounded corner textbox using css

    In this post, I’ll explain to you how to make the rounded corner textbox using a image and css. Text box is placed over a container element whose background image is the key of the rounded corner textbox. This is the image which I’ve used in my example, don’t click and start typing it just…

  • Animated content navigation effect using jquery

    I always get bored with the same stuffs. And, I see same kind of content navigation to the different websites. Click a link, let’s the whole web page gets loaded and new page gets displayed. It would be better to show another content in the same page with few animation without loading the whole page.…

  • Top Floating message box using jQuery

    Last time, I’ve shown you how to create a alert box using jQuery. This time, I’ve come up with another tutorial to show you how to display floating message box in the top of the browser using jQuery. The message box always get displayed at the top of the browser although you move across the…

  • Making dashed or dotted link using CSS

    Today, one of the friend of my office asked me how to make dotted or dashsed link as he was looking for “text-decoration” for making it.Today, I’ve come up with a very simple technique to make a dotted or dashed hyperlink using CSS.This technique might be known to most of you guys but it might…

  • W3c markup validation and Big websites – Is it really needed?

    Today, I would like to talk about W3C XHTML validation service.This service checks the XHTML of your website and reports you if your web page have any error or warning according to standard of W3C. If you are talking about this website currently you’ll find 74 Errors, 24 warning(s) and frankly I’ve never been bothered…

  • Get the book “The Art & Science of CSS” at free of cost

    Are you a web developer ? Are you a web designer? The you must not leave this offer. I don’t know weather you know about this offer or not. Sitepoint is giving the book The Art & Science of CSS at free of cost. I think you’re might interested in getting this book, just follow…

  • Sleek and Smooth animated menu using jQuery

    Today, I’m going to show you something interesting with jQuery. Yesterday I was thinking something to post something programming related stuff in blog after long time and I came across a website, whose menu impressed me a lot. But checking it in a while, I found it it was built using mootools. Since it was…

  • 5 useful url rewriting examples using .htaccess

    If you are looking for the examples of URL rewriting then this post might be useful for you. In this post, I’ve given five useful examples of URL rewriting using .htacess. If you don’t know something about url rewriting then please check my older post about url rewriting using .htaccess. Now let’s look at the…

  • How to check and enable mod_rewrite module in apache

    Well, I’ve got around 15 emails asking from readers, how to check the mod_rewrite module in apache and enable mod_rewrite module in apache after reading two most of the popular post of this blog 5 useful url rewriting examples and hide .php extension with url rewriting. How to check weather mod_rewrite module is enabled or…

  • Change default directory page using .htaccess

    I know you guzy all know about index file. This is the default file which is executed in the web server. For example, if you type”” in this the browser, the “index.php” gets loaded first. This “index.php” file is commonly know as directory index file. Basically , the default executed file in the web directory…

  • How to redirect browser to https (ssl) in php

    Most of the e-commerce website uses payment gateway for online payment. And, those sites uses SSL (secure socket layer) connection to transfer data to and from the payment gateway. In the common scenario, most of the sites uses “http” protocol and you can see “http” in the browser’s address bar. But in the above scenario,we…

  • Changing textbox value from dropdown list using Ajax and PHP

    from PHP using Ajax and this currency code will replace the value of textbox each time the dropdown list changes. Writing Code for changing textbox value from dropdown list using Ajax and PHP After looking at the above demo, let’s start writing code for the changing the currency code value in the textbox form Ajax…

  • Solving Floating point number precision lost problem in PHP

    The problem of precision lost in floating point number in PHP haunted me for about 10 minutes yesterday but I quickly figured out the problem and solved it as I was aware of this problem. But, I would like to post here it here so that many others PHP programmers, who are not aware with…

  • Solving European characters (Western charset) problem with Ajax and PHP

    Today, I would like to tell you how to handle character set problem which occurs during the data fetched from PHP using Ajax mainly on the western characters(European charset).Lots of people asked me about this problem where these European charset is displayed in unreadable format after fetching it from ajax. Problem with European Charset with…