Month: June 2010

  • How to Import Products into Magento

    There’s a little confusion among some on how to import products into a Magento ecommerce store. I spent some time today researching and trying to find the best method on doing this. The reason for my research is because there was no simple documentation anywhere that I could find on how to import products. Magento…

  • Changing window.location in IE 6

    window.location and window.location.href will support to all browsers but it will not support to IE6. For this I have a solution: Suppose you code is : window.location = “”; // Not working??? // Also this does not working?? window.location.href =””; Then do this, setTimeout(function() { window.location = “”; }, 0); Tweet This Post

  • Create multilanguage site

    To create a site in multiple languages you should do two main things : Write this code after connection created in database file : mysql_query ( ‘SET character_set_connection=utf8, character_set_results=utf8, character_set_client=binary;’, $connectionID ); And write below code in common file which use in complete site : header(‘Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1’); Tweet This Post

  • Jquery : Benefits, Examples and Free Ebook

    What is jQuery? Directly taken from the website of jQuery -” jQuery is a fast, concise, JavaScript Library that simplifies how you traverse HTML documents, handle events, perform animations, and add Ajax interactions to your web pages”.It is basically a JavaScript framework for writing huge task of JavaScript with few lines of code. What are…

  • WordPress Widgets vs Plugins, what’s the difference?

    What is the difference between plugins and widgets? Plugins are functions that do something to your website. They could serve a back-end purpose and never be visible to you or the public. In the other hand, a widget usually is the representation of a plugin in the form of an object that can be placed…

  • Joining two fields into one

    I want to get two fields value in a single value and I searched on net many times but today I try to solve at my behalf and I got the solution. Here you will get the solution to get the two fields value as single value: For example: Database :  db_bank Table :  tbl_customer…