W3c markup validation and Big websites – Is it really needed?

Today, I would like to talk about W3C XHTML validation service.This service checks the XHTML of your website and reports you if your web page have any error or warning according to standard of W3C. If you are talking about this website currently you’ll find 74 Errors, 24 warning(s) and frankly I’ve never been bothered about correcting those errors of XHTML because it takes a bit of time and believe me I’m a very lazy boy. In this post, I would like to show you a interesting data of W3C validation among the top rated websites.You’ll be amazed to come to know that they’re also lazy like me :-) .

W3C XHTML validation of Big website.

I’ve checked the W3C’s XHTML validation among the top 7 wesites rated by ALEXA. You can look at the result below.

As you can see in the above stat, Microsoft’s websites only cared about W3C validation. Other websites are not really worried about this validation. I’m even wondered above stat from Gooogle which don’t have much elements in their home page but a search box and some hyperlinks.

Is XHTML validation really needed in your web page?

I’m not the person who can decide weather the XHTML validation is really needed or not in you web page. But you know web designers spent a lot time for XHTML validations of each page. Do you think it really worth ? Why the big guns website doesn’t follow the W3C standard? Is your website is XHTML valid ? Please share your thought.


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