Magento: Add/ Remove account dashboard navigation links

We can add or remove anythings in magento core files but it is not a perfect solution. To make a perfect solution, we are creating a small module. By this module you will able to add / remove navigation links from customer account dashboard.

Firstly, we create a module XML file to access from local folder:

Step1: Create a file “Nos_Navigation.xml” in app\etc\modules\ folder

Step2: Put below code in this xml file


Step3: Create a new file “app\code\local\Nos\Navigation\Block\Account\Navigation.php”
and put below code in this file:



Step4: Create a file: “app\code\local\Nos\Navigation\etc\config.xml”


Step5: Now you can create your own local.xml file in your theme layout folder. If you have not idea that how you can create a local.xml file in your own theme folder then don’t worry 🙂

Step6: create a local.xml file in your “add/design/frontend/YOUR_THEME/default/layout/local.xml”

Step7: Put below code in your theme local.xml file:


You can also add your own line to remove another links like: billing_agreements, wishlist, etc.

That’s it.